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Accessibility Statement

Henry Lyons & Co. Ltd's website is developed to be accessible to the widest possible audience.

We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our websites using the available standards and guidelines.

Changing Font Size

To increase the size of the webpage and therefore the size of the text simply use the Ctrl + function to enlarge or Ctrl - to make it smaller.

In the upper left of every page you will find a link to a printable version of the page. This is a rich text format and is fully editable to suit the reader.


This site has been designed to allow the user to tab from link to link in a logical order.

Shortcut Keys

You can navigate the our website using shortcut keys. Simply use the shortcuts below then hit enter/return key to navigate to the specified page.

  • Alt + 1 = Home
  • Alt + 2 = About
  • Alt + 3 = Shops
  • Alt + 4 = Special Offers
  • Alt + 5 = Blog
  • Alt + 6 = Gallery
  • Alt + 7 = Contact
  • Alt + 8 = Search
  • Alt + 9 = Sitemap

Screen Reader Friendly

Every page has hidden links to allow for ease of access when using a screen reader. Hidden links to main content and navigation bar are placed at the top of every page.

If you have any queries on using our website or have a suggestion please let us know.